How MASV charges for services

MASV charges for delivering and storing files

MASV operates as a “store and forward” service. This means all transfers make a stop in the MASV Cloud--our high-performance global cloud infrastructure. From there, MASV forwards your files to the cloud data center that is nearest to the recipient.

We charge every time a file leaves the MASV Cloud. Therefore, we charge for the following services:

Aside from the list above, MASV does not charge for any additional seats or usage.

Example: If you send a 250 GB file package to three recipients and one cloud service, after the downloads are complete, your usage will show approximately 1 TB (250 GB x 4 downloads).

💡 You can get started with MASV with a free account. For details, see How to sign up for a free account.

You can control costs by choosing a plan with a lower cost per GB. You can also set a download limit to control how many times files can be downloaded.

Save money by choosing the right pricing plan

MASV keeps pricing plans as simple as possible to match the way you work. For details on prices for transferring and storing files, and ways to save, visit our pricing plan webpage.

When MASV charges you

MASV charges your Team’s credit card monthly according to the plan you have. For example, for a monthly subscription, payments would include your subscription fee and if applicable, any Extended Storage fees or data overages for the previous month. You won’t be charged for Prepaid Credits that you’ve already paid for.

How much storage is included?

There is no volume limit on storage, but you are charged according to how much data you store on the MASV Cloud beyond the number of free days included with your plan. Currently, 5 days is the minimum number of free days. When you set an expiry date for packages, the packages are deleted from MASV on that date and no longer incur storage fees.

  • By default, when the files reach their expiry date, MASV deletes the files automatically for you. MASV sends notifications before the transfer expires.
  • You can choose to keep your files longer in MASV. For details, see How Extended Storage works.

Tracking and managing costs

MASV data and storage fees can be tracked by Team Owners and Administrators by using the MASV Dashboard.

As a Team Owner, you can also see your costs in Features & Settings > Billing in the MASV Web App. You can also see past invoices and export billing information.

For more detailed cost tracking, you can use Portals, Teamspaces, and metadata to organize your users, projects, and transfers.