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  2. Managing File Transfers

What are Metadata Forms?

A MASV Portal lets your collaborators include metadata with the files that they send to you.

A MASV Portal lets your partners and clients conveniently include metadata, like a package name and message, with the files that they send to you. You can use this information to track your transfers or integrate with your media asset management (MAM) system.

💡  You can include custom metadata with your packages by upgrading your MASV plan.

The Portal collects this metadata from a form that the sender fills out when sending you a file. 

MASV adds this metadata as extra files to the package that you receive. You can configure the Portal to include the metadata as a JSON, CSV, or XML file, or all of them. You can also include the metadata in the email notification you receive for the transfer.

A MASV Portal collects metadata for the entire package, it doesn’t collect metadata for an individual file in a package.

Customizing a Portal’s Metadata Form

You can customize the metadata form for any existing Portal or when you create a new Portal. 

A custom metadata form gives you a lot of flexibility with the kinds of metadata that a Portal can collect about a transfer. You can request or require that senders add metadata like the show name, season and episode numbers, or project name, production name, contact name, email, and phone number. 

You can even pre-fill metadata that automatically flows through to your media asset management (MAM) system.

If you’re managing a lot of Portals with similar metadata, you can create form templates that you can reuse. You can do this in Metadata Forms. For example, you might create a form template for the metadata that your MAM system needs.

Only team Owners and Admins can use Custom Form and Metadata Forms.

Using Custom Metadata with the MASV Desktop App

You can use the MASV Desktop app to upload to a MASV Portal that has a custom form. 

Watch folders cannot send to a Portal that has a custom metadata form because the sender must fill out the form.