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  2. Managing File Transfers

What Kinds of Metadata Can I Collect?

A Portal’s metadata form can collect a variety of types of information in a variety of ways.

A Portal’s metadata form can collect a variety of types of information in a variety of ways. 

Default Metadata Fields

When you create a new custom form for a Portal or a new template for a metadata form, MASV uses these default metadata fields:

  • Sender Email
  • Package Name
  • Package Description

The Sender Email field is always set to be required. If a sender’s email address isn’t required, you can delete Sender Email or replace it with a custom Email field. 

The default Package Name and Package Description fields appear in the Package Options section of a Portal.

You can edit these fields like any other field in a custom metadata form.

Types of Custom Metadata

Each field that you add to a form can collect a specific kind of metadata. 

Checkbox, Dropdown Select, or Radio Button

Multiple-choice options.


An email address. Unlike the default Sender Email, this type of field can be optional. 


A clickable web link, like a page for production requirements or your privacy policy. Enter the URL for the link’s URL in the Hyperlink Url setting. Enter the link’s clickable text in Display Label.

This field can’t be modified by the sender, it is always read only.

Number Field

A numeric value. This field accepts only whole numbers, including negative values. It does not accept a decimal point.

Date Picker

A date. When entering a Default Value, use yyyy/mm/dd.

Text Field or Text Area

Use Text Field to let the sender enter a single line of text, like a name. Use Text Area to let the sender enter several lines of text, like a paragraph or mailing address. The field is limited to 255 characters.

Metadata and Tags

MASV also lets you add a tag to a transfer. A tag is a keyword that you can associate with a Portal’s transfers. You can use the tag to filter and sort in Transfer history or keep track of billing. Only you can see a Portal’s tag, not the Portal’s senders. You can manage tags with Tag manager

A tag is separate from metadata, so it isn't included in the packages that you receive. You can manually include the tag as metadata in a custom form by adding a hidden Text Field. Keep in mind that this manually-added tag isn't searchable in Transfer history.

Settings for Metadata Fields

You can change the field’s settings to configure how the sender interacts with it. 

Field Name

The name for the field to use in the metadata files that MASV adds to the packages that you receive. 

This setting is meant to be readable by a computer, so use the format specified by the application that will use the metadata. For example, if you are integrating MASV with a MAM, use the field key or field ID specified by the MAM’s documentation.

Display Label

The name of the field to show senders in the metadata form. For Hyperlink fields, enter the clickable text for the link.

Field Description

A brief explanation about the field to help the sender. This should be only a short phrase, not a sentence or paragraph.


How the sender can interact with the field in the Portal’s form: 

  • Required: The sender must fill in this field.
  • Optional: The sender can ignore this field.
  • Read Only: The sender can’t modify this field. You might use this with a Text Field's Default Value to inform the sender about the transfer or the Portal.
  • Hidden: The sender can’t see this field. Use with the Default Value setting to include information about the package that’s for you only and that you don’t want the sender to see. For example, you can pass along metadata to your MAM that doesn’t concern your senders.


For multiple-choice fields, like Checkbox, Dropdown Select, and Radio Button, enter the items that the sender can choose from in the Portal’s form.

Default Value, Default Option, or Hyperlink Url

The value to pre-fill the field. 

For multiple-choice fields (Checkbox, Dropdown Select, and Radio Button) you can choose one of the items that you entered in Value.

For Hyperlink fields, enter the link’s URL.

If a field’s Visibility is Read Only or Hidden, enter the contents for this field.