How to connect MASV with Mimir

Integrate MASV with Mimir connected storage to collect metadata

Mimir is a video collaboration and production platform. The tool uses metadata to identify and pass along information about media files. Mimir administrators can set up forms in Mimir to collect the metadata they need for a given project or workflow. By integrating MASV with the storage location used for Mimir, you can leverage MASV metadata forms to pass along the information you need when collecting media files that will be managed with Mimir.

MASV can integrate with Mimir via the following storage options:

Workflow overview

  1. Connect Mimir with Amazon S3 or a storage device, such as a NAS or SAN.
  2. Create a form in Mimir to collect the metadata you want. You'll need to make note of the form ID.
  3. Connect MASV to the same storage location that you use for Mimir. (Integration instructions below.).
  4. In MASV, create a metadata form that mirrors your Mimir form.
  5. Create a MASV Portal that is enabled for the Mimir storage integration and that uses the MASV metadata form to pass the metadata to Mimir.

Result? When a contributor sends files via the MASV Portal, they are prompted to provide the required information via the MASV metadata form, which is passed along with each package in a JSON sidecar file that uses the Mimir Sidecar Form ID to map the metadata correctly. 

For more information about Mimir, please visit Mimir Support.

To connect MASV with Mimir Amazon S3 storage

  1. In the MASV Web App, as a Team Owner or Admin (role), from the sidebar on the left, select Integrations.
  2. On the Integrations page, select the Available Integrations tab.
  3. Select Mimir with Amazon S3.

  4. Follow the same instructions you would for other MASV Amazon S3 integrations, using the following guidance:

    1. Transfer Direction: Select Save to storage.

    2. Ensure you set the storage path to the same location that you use for Mimir.

    3. Mimir Sidecar Form ID: Enter the form name/ID from Mimir to ensure the metadata is mapped correctly.

      1. Note: This ID is used as the default Mimir form ID. You can overwrite this ID on a per Portal basis. See Next Steps below for information about assigning a Mimir form ID to a Portal.

To connect MASV with Mimir Storage Device

Note: Please contact MASV Support to receive a link to the version of the MASV Agent that supports Mimir integrations.

  1. In the MASV Web App, as a Team Owner or Admin (role), from the sidebar on the left, select Integrations.
  2. On the Integrations page, select the Available Integrations tab.
  3. In the Asset management & collaboration section, select Mimir with Storage Device.masv-mimir-storage-device
  4. Follow the same instructions you would for other storage device integrations, using the following guidance:
    1. Transfer Direction: Select Save to storage.
    2. Ensure you set the storage path to the same location that you use for Mimir.
    3. Mimir Sidecar Form ID: Enter the form name/ID from Mimir to ensure the metadata is mapped correctly.

Next steps

After Mimir media storage location is integrated with MASV, you can take the next steps:

  • Create a MASV Portal
  • Create a MASV metadata form : The MASV metadata form that you create and attach to the Portal as a Custom Form must mirror the metadata fields defined in the Mimir form.
  • Connect the integration with your MASV Portal:  For Mimir integrations, you can assign a Mimir form ID per Portal (Customize column > Customize window) by typing the form ID you want in the Mimir Sidecar Form ID box. The form ID entered here overrides the default form ID you assigned when you created the integration.masv-customize-with-mimir-sidecar-form-id