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How to connect to an Amazon S3 bucket

Integrate MASV with your Amazon S3 bucket

Amazon S3 from AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud storage service known for providing scalability, data availability, security, and performance. If you have an Amazon S3 cloud storage bucket, follow the steps below to connect it to MASV.

You can create more than one Amazon S3 integration in MASV, mapping each integration to a specific Storage Class, transfer direction (save to S3 or send from S3), and Target Directory. You can then pair the integration with one or more MASV Portals to send or ingest files exactly where you want them.

How do I get Amazon S3 access keys?

Before you can integrate Amazon S3 with MASV, you need to have an access key for the Amazon S3 bucket you want to connect to. An access key consists of an Access ID and Secret Key. Access keys are created in the AWS Management Console.  

The Amazon S3 access key for MASV needs to be associated with an AWS user that has the permissions required for the MASV connection. When creating a permissions policy for MASV in AWS, the following "Actions" must be allowed to save to Amazon S3:






The following S3 Actions must be allowed to send from S3 via MASV:



Here is an example of a full policy statement for S3 (MASV save to S3):

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "masvintegration",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
              "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket name>",
              "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket name>/*"

For information about creating policies for Amazon S3, see Policies and permissions in AWS.

For detailed information about how to create and manage Amazon S3 access keys, visit Manage access keys for IAM users

Information you'll need to have ready

To make the process go smoothly, have the following information on hand:

  • Amazon S3 bucket name
  • Region of bucket
  • Access key ID
  • Access key Secret
  • Know which AWS Storage Class you want to choose
  • Know your S3 path (which folder you want to connect with)

To integrate an Amazon S3 bucket with MASV

  1. In the MASV Web App, as a Team Owner or Admin (role), from the sidebar on the left, select Integrations.

  2. On the Integrations page, select the Available Integrations tab.

  3. Select Amazon S3.
  4. In the Add Integration window, enter or select the information required: 
  • Connection Name

  • Bucket (Name of the Amazon S3)

  • Access Key ID

  • Secret Access Key

  • Region
  • Storage Class: Choose from Standard, Glacier, Intelligent Tiering, One-Zone, and more.
  • Transfer Direction

  • Target Directory (optional)
  • Parent folder 

4. Select Done, and on the Integrations page, select My Integrations.

5. Refresh the page to update the list and status of the connections.

That's it! After authentication, the service will be integrated into MASV and you'll be able to see it under Deliver To Cloud section in your new and existing Portals.