How to connect MASV with Wasabi

Integrate MASV with Wasabi to save files to and send them from your Wasabi storage

You can integrate your Wasabi cloud object storage with MASV. You can create as many Wasabi integrations in MASV as you want, mapping each integration to a specific Wasabi bucket, transfer direction (save to Wasabi or send from Wasabi), and Target Directory (optional). You can then pair the integration with one or more MASV Portals to ingest or send files.

Note: Only a MASV Team Owner, Administrator, or Integration Manager (roles) can add Integrations. 

What you'll need

You'll need to have the following information in order to set up an integration with MASV:

  • Wasabi S3 bucket name: For information about creating Wasabi buckets, see Creating a bucket in the Wasabi documentation.
  • Region of bucket
  • Access key ID: For information about creating an access key in Wasabi, see Creating a new access key in the Wasabi documentation. You'll also need to attach a policy that lets you Save to or Send from MASV (see Setting up your Wasabi bucket).
  • Access key Secret
  • Know your storage path (which folder/location you want to connect with)

Setting up your Wasabi bucket

Before you add an Integration for your Wasabi bucket, make sure you have an access key with a policy that gives MASV the permission save to or send from Wasabi.

Permissions required to Save to Wasabi must allow the following actions:

  • s3:AbortMultipartUpload
  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:ListBucket
  • s3:GetBucketLocation
  • s3:PutObject

Permissions required to Send from Wasabi must allow the following actions:

  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:ListBucket

You can set up policies in the Wasabi Management Console.

Example 1: The following policy gives MASV permission to save files anywhere in a bucket named second-unit:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Example 2: You can restrict access in your policy for convenience so that it simply provides only relevant folders. Or you can do this for security, to limit access to specific folders. Here’s an example that limits "send from" access to the location-a and location-b folders in the second-unit bucket. Notice that the folder names in s3:prefix use the trailing wildcard character (“*”), not the path separator (“/”):

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": [
           "Resource": [
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": [
           "Resource": [
           "Condition": {
               "StringLike": {
                   "s3:prefix": [
                       "location-a*", "location-b*"

Adding a Wasabi object storage integration to MASV

With your Wasabi bucket ready, you can add an Integration in the MASV Web app.


To add a Wasabi integration in MASV

  1. In the MASV Web App, select Integrations from the sidebar on the left.
  2. On the Integrations page, select the Available Integrations tab.
  3. In the Cloud storage for business area, select Wasabi.
  4. In the Add Integration window, enter or select the information for the following fields:
    • Connection Name: Type a meaningful name. This name will display in the My Integrations list.
    • Bucket (Name of the Wasabi bucket)
    • Access Key ID: Copy and paste the Wasabi Access Key ID.

    • Secret Access Key: Copy and paste the Wasabi Secret.

    • Region: Choose the Region for your bucket.
    • Transfer Direction: Select one of the following options:
      • Save to storage: For inbound files (Write)--MASV transfers files to the storage device.

      • Send from storage: For outbound files (Read)--MASV transfers files out of the storage device.

  1. Choose any of the following optional settings:
      1. (Optional for Save to storage) In the Target Directory box, type a relative path. You will be able to edit this directory from the MASV Web App as needed.

      2. (Optional for Save to storage) In the Parent Folder Options, leave the checkbox unselected if you want to save the files in a directory that uses the package name. To deliver directly into the Target Directory, select the checkbox.

      3. (Optional for Send from storage) In Source Directories, type a relative path to limit access to a specific folder/directory. You will be able to edit this directory from the MASV Web App as needed.

    6.  Select the Connect button.

    7.  Refresh the page to update the list and status of the connections.

    That's it! After authentication, the service is connected with MASV. You can now: