How to connect MASV with Perifery

Deliver content to your Perifery storage with a MASV integration

Perifery offers an Amazon S3-compatible storage solution and AI workflow tools that lets you store, search, share, and monetize your media. MASV lets you ingest files to Perifery Object Matrix.

Before you begin

You will need Perifery Object Matrix Bucket, Access Key ID and Secret, and Endpoint URL information before you can connect MASV with Object Matrix. For information, see How to create credentials for Perifery Object Matrix integratons.

To integrate Perifery storage with MASV

  1. In the MASV Web App, as a Team Owner or Admin (role), from the sidebar on the left, select Integrations.

  2. On the Integrations page, select the Available Integrations tab.

  3. Select Perifery.
  4. In the Add Integration window, enter or select the information required: 
    • Connection Name: Type a meaningful name. This name will display in the My Integrations list.

    • Bucket (Name of bucket used for Perifery).

    • Access Key ID: Copy and paste the Access Key ID.

    • Secret Access Key: Copy and paste the Secret.

    • Endpoint: Copy and paste the Perifery endpoint URL. Endpoint URLs must be secured with SSL/TLS certificate.

5.  (Optional) Do any of the following:

  • In the Target Directory box, type a relative path.
  • In the Parent Folder Options, leave the checkbox unselected if you want to save the files in a directory that uses the package name. To deliver directly into the Target Directory, select the checkbox.

6.  Select the Connect button.

7.  Refresh the page to update the list and status of the connections.

That's it! After authentication, the service is connected with MASV. You can now: