How to create credentials for Perifery Object Matrix integratons

Credentials are required before you can connect MASV with Perifery Object Matrix

To create Perifery Object Matrix credentials for integrations

  1. Log in to the MatrixStore Admin.


  2. Create a Vault, without spaces or special characters in the name. Your Vault name will be used as the Bucket name in the MASV Integrations settings.

  3. Create a user with sign-on disabled and grant them the level of Vault access required (minimum Read, Search and Update Metadata, but probably Write as well).

  4. Create an Access Key for the user and save the Access Key ID and Access Key Secret in a safe place.

  5. Make note of your endpoint URL. The endpoint is provided when you first deployed the system. The following is an example of the endpoint URL syntax:

After you have created and saved all the details for your Object Matrix integration, please see  How to connect MASV with Perifery to set up the integration in MASV.

If you have any questions, please contact us over chat or