How to connect MASV with Qumulo

Integrate MASV with Qumulo

Qumulo is a hybrid cloud data platform that offers file data management at any scale, in any location, with your choice of hardware and cloud. By integrating MASV with Qumulo, you can simplify and accelerate how you ingest files into the Qumulo platform.


Information you'll need to have ready

To make the process go smoothly, have the following information on hand:

  • Qumulo bucket name: The storage location that you want to connect to in Qumulo. For information about creating buckets in Qumulo, please refer to the Qumulo Documentation: Creating and Managing S3 Buckets.

  • Qumulo Access Key ID and Access Key Secret: For information about creating access keys in Qumulo, please refer to the Qumulo Documentation: Creating and Managing S3 Access Keys.

  • Qumulo endpoint address: The address of your Qumulo cluster and dashboard. Endpoint must be protected with a valid SSL/TLS certificate.

  • File path: Know the destination (the directory within your bucket) where you want to deliver the transferred files.

Note: You can change the Target subdirectory that you set in MASV at any time without creating a new integration. You can also append subdirectories to create a custom path when you associate the integration with a MASV Portal.

To integrate Qumulo with MASV

  1. In the MASV Web App, as a Team Owner or Admin (role), from the sidebar on the left, select Integrations.

  2. On the Integrations page, select the Available Integrations tab.
  3. Select Qumulo S3.

  4. In the Add Integration window, enter or select the information required:  
    1. Connection Name: Type a meaningful name. This name will display in the My Integrations list.

    2. Bucket: Type the name of the Qumulo bucket

    3. Access Key ID: Copy and paste the Qumulo Access Key ID.

    4. Secret Access Key: Copy and paste the Qumulo Secret.

    5. Endpoint: Paste the address for your Qumulo cluster.masv-qumulo-s3

  5. (Optional) Choose any of the following settings:

    1. In the Target Directory box, type a relative path. You will be able to edit this directory from the MASV Web App as needed.

    2. In the Parent Folder Options, leave the checkbox unselected if you want to save the files in a directory that uses the package name. To deliver directly into the Target Directory, select the checkbox.

  6. Select the Connect button.

  7. Refresh the page to update the My Integrations list and connection status.

That's it! After authentication, the service is connected with MASV. You can now: