What happens if my upload is stalled?

Troubleshoot why your upload is stuck

If your upload is stuck, please DO NOT close the browser tab where the MASV Web App is open.

Your upload can be stuck for one of the following reasons:

  1. File issue: When an upload is stalled due to an issue with one or more files, the File Upload Interrupted message displays and you can choose to cancel or continue without the files that didn't upload. For information on how to troubleshoot this issue, visit Why am I seeing a “File Upload Interrupted” message?.
  2. Your computer went to sleep: To avoid this from happening, please make sure that your energy settings prevent your computer from going to sleep during your transfers. Learn how to change sleep settings of your computer.
  3. Other network-intensive tasks are running in the background: MASV is web-based which means that as soon as you (or anyone on your network) runs a task requiring bandwidth, MASV will get out of the way to give you that bandwidth. During that time, if the remaining available bandwidth falls below 10Mbps, the upload will be paused and MASV will keep on re-trying and will resume as soon as the speed crosses the threshold.
  4. There is a temporary network congestion in your network (from your ISP): In this case, MASV will resume uploading as soon as the congestion is cleared.
  5. Other: For all other reasons, please contact us via the customer support chat or at support@masv.io with the following information:
    1. MASV account email address.
    2. Your location (city, country).
    3. Your bandwidth (you can find it out via speedtest.net).
    4. Name of the package.
    5. Your operating system.

    Please do not close the upload tab in your browser.