How do I password protect my transfers?

How to add security to your transfers

You can add a password to your package on the Send Files card or in your Portal settings (Security tab). You can then send the password to your recipient(s) via your preferred means of secure communication.

For the Send Files card, the Download Password must be set each time. If you set an Upload Password or Download Password for a Portal, the password applies until you remove it.

You can also add, edit, or remove the Download Password for a package after the package has been uploaded by visiting the Transfer History > Package Details page and making the changes you want.

To add a Download Password when you send files

  1. In the MASV Web App, select Send Files from the sidebar on the left.
  2. On the Send card, expand the Package Settings area.
  3. In the Download Password box, type a password.

That's it. After you fill in the other details and select Send, be sure that you provide your recipients with the password they need to download the files.

To add an Upload Password or Download Password to a Portal

  1. In the MASV Web App, select Request Files with Portals from the sidebar on the left.
  2. In your list of Portals, select the Portal you want, and in the Actions column, select the Actions icon (three vertical dots), and choose Edit from the menu.
  3. On the Edit Portal page, select the Security tab.
  4. On the Security page, do any of the following:
    1. Select Upload password protection and enter a password in the Upload Password box.
    2. Select Download password protection and enter a password in the Download Password box.
  5. Select Save in the lower right corner of the page to apply the changes.

To add, change, or remove a Download Password from a package after uploading

  1. In the MASV Web App, select Transfer History from the  sidebar on the left.
  2. Select the Send or Received tab.
  3. In your list of packages, select the package you want, and in the Actions column, select the Actions icon (three vertical dots), and choose Package details from the menu.
  4. On the Package Details page, scroll across the Delivery Log area until you see the Actions column on the right and select Edit Limit or Password from the Actions menu.
  5. In the Edit Link window, do any of the following:
    1. To delete an existing password, select the Clear password button.
    2. To change the password, select the Clear password button, and type a new password in the Download password box.
    3. To add a password, type a password in the Download password box.
  6. Select Save.