Account owners and Team members with permission can delete uploaded packages, but not individual files
Team Owners and Team members who have permission can delete uploaded packages after they finish uploading, but contributors outside the Team or members without permissions cannot delete a package. Individual files within the package cannot be deleted.
If you upload a package and need to replace it, contact the Team owner or a Team member with permission to request the deletion. By default, packages have an expiry date, but this expiry date can be customized (shorter, longer, or unlimited storage). Those with permission can delete packages manually.
If it is urgent that a file be removed, please contact or use our live chat.
To delete an uploaded package
- In the MASV Web App, from the sidebar on the left, select Transfer History.
- From the Sent or Received tab, select the package you want to delete.
- In the Actions column, select the menu icon, and from the menu choose Delete Package.