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  2. Sending and Requesting Files

How to ensure your firewall works with MASV

Configure your firewall with host names, port information, or IP address ranges to ensure MASV file transfers are permitted.

As a web-based app, MASV doesn’t usually require firewall configuration, but if you run into issues, you can configure your firewall with the host names or fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) and port information to ensure MASV file transfers are permitted. If you are working with the network layer, you can provide IP address ranges (AWS and Cloudflare) instead of host names.

Firewall settings

Firewall software is designed to protect your devices, network, and data, but it can also block applications and websites that you need to access. To avoid issues, you can use the information below to add MASV to your firewall whitelist or exceptions list.


All MASV endpoints use port 443. This port supports HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) to ensure communications are encrypted through Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Host names

Add the following host names, or FQDNs, to your allowlist (also known as a whitelist or exceptions list):

  • api.massive.app
  • api.massive.io
  • massive.io
  • get.massive.io
  • app.massive.io
  • help.massive.io
  • *.portal.massive.io
  • *.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com
  • *.cloudfront.net
  • *.pubnub.com
  • *.pndsn.com
  • *.pubnub.net
  • *.pubnubapi.com

IP addresses

If you are working on the network layer, you can whitelist IP addresses instead of host names. For MASV to work properly, you need to whitelist IP address ranges for both AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Cloudflare services. If you are using storage integrations (cloud or device) with the MASV Agent, you also need to whitelist IP address ranges for PubNub. Please refer to the links and IP addresses listed below.

Need more help with firewall questions? Contact us using our chat or send us an email: support@masv.io.