How to cancel a MASV account

How to cancel your account

While we hate to see you leave, we understand that there are reasons why you might need to cancel your account. 

Tip: There are no fees associated with maintaining a MASV usage-based account--you pay only when you use it (downloads and Extended Storage). If you want to change from a subscription plan to a usage-based plan, please see: How to change your MASV plan.

When you cancel your account, all existing packages are deleted to ensure that you do not incur any additional charges. The MASV Account Support Team receives your request, and within 3-5 days, the account will be fully shut down.

Feedback? We appreciate any feedback about what led you to cancel your account: Send feedback to MASV.

To cancel your MASV account

  1. In the MASV Web App, as a Team Owner, select Features & Settings in the sidebar on the left.
  2. Select Billing, and in the Plan Details area, select the Cancel Team button.
  3. Read the information in the cancellation window to ensure you have the information you need, and select Submit.
 Final billing date is determined by your plan type and start date.
